Save yourself the stress, outsource

Save yourself the stress, outsource

All small business owners have been in a position, at least once in their lives, whereby they need a particular task to be done but they do not have anyone on their team at this stage with the necessary skill set to do it for them. Well thanks to the internet […]

Save yourself the stress, automate

Save yourself the stress, automate

Gone are the days of manual processes and paper trails. It is now a digital world, and everything is conducted digitally. This has raised the standards of business. How so? Well… not only are business processes these days expected to be conducted quickly […]

Time management helps stress management

Time management helps stress management

Albert Einstein said “Time is an illusion” Yet time feels very real when you’ve got so many things on your plate and you’re struggling to get them all done at once. Especially as a small business owner these days. We all suffer from the stress […]

Save yourself the stress, just delegate

Save yourself the stress, just delegate

How is your current workload working for you? Does it make you feel overloaded and overwhelmed? Because if you do then let me save you from any more stress and introduce you to the art of delegation. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, delegation is defined as “the act of giving someone authority or responsibility” […]

Don’t let fear stop you, take action!

Don't let fear stop you, take action!

In this era, all the advice and/or information you as a small business owner could possibly need is available right at your fingertips. Literally. All you need is a simple Google search or a call to someone who knows more about the situation than you do […]

Dealing with stress

Dealing with stress

We all need a certain amount of stress in our lives to drive us along. Stress lays in the middle of a spectrum. Whereby eustress (the good stress) is on the positive end of the spectrum and distress (the bad stress) is on the negative end of the spectrum […]

Stress in small businesses

Stress in small businesses

Small business owners at this time experience more stress than ever before. I don’t think I’ve ever known a time when there was so much pressure on us as small business owners in terms of time and competition. We have the internet to thank for that […]

Benefits of time management on stress management

Benefits of time management on stress management

Do you ever have that feeling of having so much to do but not enough time to do it in? Yeah, you know THAT helpless feeling. That feeling usually creates a considerable amount of stress on anyone. It doesn’t matter if you’re a student or a small business owner […]

The secret formula for ultimate productivity

The secret formula for ultimate productivity

How to have more time? Here are some tips on how best to manage your time. If you employ all of these relatively simple but often overlooked strategies then you just might find that extra time you were looking for. 1 Track your activity and manage distractors […]

Creating great teams

Creating great teams

When creating an effective team, I think there are three important things that you must keep in mind; yes, you can make a strong case for many other criteria, but today I want to concentrate on just these three. The first thing is to work out your own strengths […]