
Stress in small businesses and how to conquer it

Stress in small business

Stress is admittedly something we have to deal with as small business owners, but when we overload ourselves with work, we allow the stress to build up to a point where it overtakes our lives and causes us distress.

Distress is the bad stress that makes us feel like we have lead boots on. Where the weight makes every step a struggle, and the more steps we take with them on, the weaker we get, until we just don’t want to take any more steps at all.

However, it’s not always shadows and rainclouds as not all stress is bad for us. There is also a good type of stress.

The good stress is called Eustress.

It consists of the Greek prefix “eu” which means “good”. So “Eustress” literally means “good stress”.

Now, if the idea of Eustress is new to you then you are not alone.

Because when most people hear the word stress, they usually think of the bad stress.

But Eustress is the good stress that we actually need in our lives. The type that focuses our energy and motivates us every day.

It’s like that rush you get when you start a new job and you’re motivated to do the best you can to prove yourself.

However, regardless of distress or eustress, we all feel some sort of stress, but not everyone knows how to properly deal with their stress.

Dealing with stress

We all need a certain amount of stress in our lives to drive us along.

Stress lays in the middle of a spectrum. Whereby eustress (the good stress) is on the positive end of the spectrum and distress (the bad stress) is on the negative end of the spectrum.

We need to learn how to deal with the stress that comes into our lives so that we only have a good amount of stress that pushes us along, gets the adrenaline flowing and gets us moving every day.

We don’t want the stress to continue to build up to a point where we feel weighed down, and in turn, distressed.

Regardless, we all feel some sort of stress, but the question is: How do we deal with it?

Here are 12 of my tips to help anyone dealing with stress:

1 Stay fit

Pumping iron pumps endorphins! Any form of physical activity not only acts as an immediate stress reliever but will also keep you fit and healthy.

2 Eat healthy

If you don’t fuel your car, or if you put in the wrong type of fuel, it wouldn’t run. It’s the same for your body. It needs fuel, and the right type of fuel, to control stress and perform at 100%.

3 Plan your breaks

Take lunch breaks to briefly get away from your work environment. It will help your brain switch gears and recharge both your mind and body, at the same time.

4 Get some fresh air

Go outside; take a walk and take a breather. It will get your blood flowing and help clear your mind.

5 Get your thoughts on paper

Issues in your head always seem much bigger than they are. Physically writing them down on paper will give you a better perspective and help you take control of your thoughts.

6 Always follow up

Lack of control creates stress. Make sure you have a system in place to follow up with your employees, projects etc., to keep on track with everything.

7 Always define the job

If you don’t know what Josh is supposed to be doing, then how is Josh supposed to know either? You must be crystal clear about what Josh’s job is to avoid any misunderstandings.

8 Stop worrying and take action

JUST DO IT! You’ll feel less stressed once you actually take some sort of action. It doesn’t have to be the right one right away, but as long as you’ve made some sort of effort to get the creative juices flowing.

9 Find a trustworthy mentor

Find someone early on in your business journey that you can be open and honest with. Someone with experience that you trust to mentor and guide you throughout your business journey.



Turn off technology

Give your brain a rest from all the technology. You’ll find you feel happier, less stressed, and you’ll even get better sleep when your eyes are not glued to your phone 24/7.



Develop a hobby

Join a club, start a sport or simply find something that will occupy your mind for the duration of the activity. It will stimulate your mind by being an outlet for creativity and distraction.



Spend more time with family and friends

Take time aside to spend with the “energy givers” of your family and friends. Their presence will serve as a distraction from the daily stresses of your business.