Your Business Freedom

How To Make Time To Work On Your Business, Not Just In It

Do you feel like there’s not enough hours in the day? If so, then it may be because you haven’t yet mastered how best to manage your time as a family business owner!

Working ‘on’ your business takes more skillful planning than working ‘in‘ it ever could.

But don’t worry – we’ve got something that just might help!

Our guide will show YOU how even busy professionals such as yourself can find more than 24 hours within any given week; allowing them to get ahead without sacrificing sleep or family time along the way.

Back in the early 1980’s I moved to Gawler, South Australia, to start a new, low-fee, private school. The role was totally unpaid, so I needed to provide a source of income for the family. To do this I started my own Financial Planning Practice, but I only had about 3 and a bit days to generate an income to meet all of our expenses… Talk about pressure!

But after taking some valuable lessons onboard (many of which were learned through trial and error) such as delegation – training those who undertake delegated jobs thoroughly saves plenty of precious energy later down the line.

Determining priorities – no matter what family business owners often struggle to find the time needed to focus on their businesses as opposed to just working in them.

To tackle any problem, we should learn how to delegate tasks and prioritize based on importance versus urgency in order for a successful strategy that will help reach objectives and long-term vision.

So no matter your industry or background experience level, there’s something here for everyone!

Stop waiting and download the PDF now! Start focusing on growing your business, instead of just running it. Let’s get to work!