Don't Let Fear Stop You, Take Action! | Your Business Freedom

Don't Let Fear Stop You, Take Action!

In this era, all the advice and/or information you as a small business owner could possibly need is available right at your fingertips. Literally.

All you need is a simple Google search or a call to someone who knows more about the situation than you do, and you’ll have all you need to get ahead.

WHAM, BAM, thank you internet!

All you need to do then is just TAKE SOME ACTION.

But why is it that people still hold back even when they’re given the advice and shown how to do it?

Could it be that they intend to take action, but they procrastinate?


But in most cases it is fear.


False Evidence Appearing Real; or False Experiences Appearing Real; or False Expectations Appearing Real; or one’s Frantic Effort to Avoid Reality.

Look, there are so many different acronyms and analogies for the word “fear”, but you get the point.

We allow fear to get in the way of what we want to achieve.

We allow fear to get in the way of our success.

And eventually, we allow fear to destroy our businesses.


Because rather than take the action that’s been recommended, we fear criticism and we fear experiencing embarrassment along the way from the mistakes we could potentially make.

However, if you’re going to run a business in today’s society, you’re going to have to stick your head above the parapet if you want to get ahead.

With that comes the likelihood of making mistakes and receiving criticism from other people.

But fear not.

Don’t be afraid to make those mistakes along the way or to be criticised.

Just go and do the best you can with what you have and the more you do whatever it is, the better you will get at it.

Like the saying goes: “Perfect practice makes perfect”.

So, when you’re given the advice and shown how to do it, JUST DO IT!

Yeah, like Nike.

Sure, you’ll feel fear, but what we must not do is allow that fear to interfere with what we’re trying to achieve.

It’s easier said than done, isn’t it?

Well, again, JUST DO IT! You’ll feel less fearful once you actually take some sort of action.

It doesn’t have to be the right move right away, but as long as you constantly make some sort of effort, you’ll eventually see progress in the right direction.

As the quote goes: feel the fear and do it anyway!